
My favorite coffee shop in Kansas City

This is Hi Hat Coffee. This is as wide as it is, and where I sit is about as deep as it goes. I love it. It's one of the best stops I have in KC - and it's close to one of the schools I visit every year. If it's chilly outside, I sit at the tiny little ledge near the windows. Otherwise, outdoor seated patrons can sit and watch the traffic of State Line Road go by as they chat over their lattes.

As I sit in here, it strikes me that the two ladies working here know almost everyone who comes in. If they don't, they strike up a conversation. "Nice morning for a jog, right?" "That sweater looks so cozy." It's fun to watch the clientele because it is a mix of professionals on their way to work, older folks, or young people casually dressed (with no apparent job to report to). I like how it's 50 degrees yet here's a guy in shorts and flip flops. 

Here's a shot from the outside: 

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