
late-winter survival guide (April 09)

You know those spring afternoons that balance just the right amount of warmth with the perfect sense of crispness? Those will get me through until May. Days like today -- with it's 40ish degree, sunlit weather -- remind me of the inevitable arrival of spring and summer.

Last year, I put a good amount of effort toward the discovery of new places in Minneapolis. The afternoon pictured, two good friends from college and I settled upon Crema Cafe and Sonny's Ice Cream in Minneapolis (34th and Lyndale, to be precise). I'm pretty sure it was a late April day, and the leaves weren't quite ready to come out, yet the weather was warm enough. The light is refreshing, cleansing, and totally unique to this time of year. We took this afternoon to enjoy a light lunch, marvel at the emerging buds, and share stories of our lives in the first year after college. Ellen, on the left, had just moved to Madison and we were all still adjusting to her noticeable absence.

Maybe this winter has been a little colder than usual, and maybe I've found enough of a warmth in my little town to keep me from venturing out so much. However, I am convinced my recently-adopted homebody ways will melt with the drifts outside. Spring and summer will take me to the city, because there are those little alleyways with a table and a coffee for friends, staged perfectly for us to meet halfway.

The beginning of March always seems hopeful, but it teases us: we've survived February (thank God), yet there are still enough cold days to balance with the sunny days. It isn't spring, but it is just enough to know the warm days are coming.

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