You know that moment when FINALLY the puppy has CHILLED OUT for the evening, in sync with your desire for a quick nap? To me, there are few sweeter moments than when the family dog willingly jumps onto the couch next to me and wiggles her way under my arm. I love my parents' 2-year old Lab, Lucy, because of this very reason: like me, she is an extrovert, but needs her time to recharge. I relate to her desire to nap when others are away and exert herself beyond sanity when people are home.
I talked to my dad on the phone today, and even his quick mention of taking "the little sh*tter" on a walk provoked a little pang of jealousy. When Lucy's in the state opposite of what's pictured above, she is something. She hasn't quite mastered leash obedience, and in that way, she's not too unlike the kids you see harnessed up on leashes in big cities: curious, unaware, and blissfully in love with discovery.
On nights like this, everything else becomes neutral. Lucy positions herself next to those who don't mind a little extra dog hair on the clothes and, in return, need a little bit of puppy love.
This is the sweetest thing.
ReplyDeleteI want a dog. :(