
California, day 1, chapter two.

The schools I visited today were ridiculously beautiful. One of them was an oasis atop a hill overlooking Newport Beach, one of them a mini-Stanford, and the other a Mission-style expanse with mountains in the background. I chatted with a number of counselors, some who knew the college well and some who did not - but it's all in a day's work. 

School #1

School #2

School #3 

And now I'll visit a community based organization in downtown Santa Ana, which has already proven to be quite a contrast to the almost too-perfectly groomed coastal Orange County towns. I've never presented at such an organization, but I look forward to the welcome diversity in surroundings and audience. 

Another challenge this trip had presented so far: driving! Lots of it! Did you know southern CA is really spread out? And, according to the vista I had while traversing interstate 241 multiple times (aka learning how toll roads work) - it's not all densely populated. I saw a lot of rolling hills without so much as a water tower on them. After my CBO visit, I'll be driving to San Diego where I'll stay at a Hilton apparently near a premier golf course (Torrey Pines? Didn't ring a bell) (but it's not like I follow a lot of PGA action). Many scenery changes today.

It's hot, too. It must be near 90. And while my hair lays better in dry heat, my shiny face and sweaty back add a level of awkwardness I had hoped to outgrow in my 6th year on the job. Things I've improved upon? It may be minute, but I can navigate awesomely. I have also been blessed with the ability to find the last available free outlet in two Starbucks visits to keep my phone charging because without my phone... I'd be halfway to Oregon by now.

As Matt would say, that's all.

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